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AAG is not an organisation or a hierarchy. We work on a de-centralised model which seeks to empower local people to form their own groups and make decisions to push back in those areas which are their local priorities.
We hold Meetings throughout NZ and are available to attend gatherings of any size,
either in person or via an online meeting platform.
Heather_Meri has a long involvement with the rural sector and rural communities: One of the 3 co-founders of AAG in October 2020 - she remained committed to the group when it re-formed and broadened its focus in Aug 2021 and when a co-founder left to pursue politics in Sept 2023.
She is passionate about informing NZ’ers about the destructive unworkable Govt. Legislation, driven by the United Nations Agenda 21/2030 (now brought forward to a 2025 implementation goal) designed to remove our freedoms and ability to sustain ourselves – creating total dependence on the State/Govt: And facilitating people working together in communities to stop the destruction of all we hold dear.
AAG is a self funded apolitical group.
Please Sign Up below, so we can all stay connected and informed to help each other
Heather_Meri has a long involvement with the rural sector and rural communities: One of the 3 co-founders of AAG in October 2020 - she remained committed to the group when it re-formed and broadened its focus in Aug 2021 and when a co-founder left to pursue politics in Sept 2023.
She is passionate about informing NZ’ers about the destructive unworkable Govt. Legislation, driven by the United Nations Agenda 21/2030 (now brought forward to a 2025 implementation goal) designed to remove our freedoms and ability to sustain ourselves – creating total dependence on the State/Govt: And facilitating people working together in communities to stop the destruction of all we hold dear.
AAG is a self funded apolitical group.
Please Sign Up below, so we can all stay connected and informed to help each other
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