In October 2020, Heather Meri was one of the original three co-founders of AAG “Agricultural Action Group” – whose aim was to inform New Zealanders about Agricultural issues and challenges stemming from legislation driven by the UN’s Agenda 21/2030 and to resource people with info about how to push back. The original group was dissolved in August 2021 when the co-founders decided to pursue their different focus areas. Heather Meri and Fred shared a strong desire to push harder and address the truth of where our Government is leading us across all sectors – not just in the Agricultural sector. They also wanted to focus on people gathering together in communities to take action to prevent the tyranny, totalitarian control, mis-information and mis-direction, loss of freedoms, psychological and physical harm that is being legislated and mandated on us by the Government. So they formed a new group and changed the name to AAG “Ag Action Gatherings” – the ‘Ag’ referring to both the fact that the Agricultural sector is pivotal for the future of this country as its food source and main revenue earner – and to the fact that there is an underlying United Nations ‘Ag’enda to demolish lives, health, freedom, the rural sector and the economy of NZ to allow a communist-style totalitarian global One World Government (New World Order) to be put in place.

In September 2023 Fred decided to re-enter the political arena and as AAG is apolitical, he stepped down from AAG.


  1. Bringing information, the facts and proof – to enable everyone to see how deceitful and diabolical the corporate Governments’ Agenda really is.
  2. Providing tools and potential actions to address the dangerous situations we currently face.
  3. Strongly encouraging the gathering of people to proactively create alternatives/solutions to future threats, before they impact us.

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