Sick new sexualised education curriculum for our kids
If you are a parent with children at school you should take the time to read through this document/resource.
Also read through the comments on thread on the MoE page.
This is very concerning! Agenda 21/2030 uses the education system to groom your child for sex and paedophilia – read this document to see the proof!
LAUNCHED TODAY 😍 We’re proud to announce new resources designed to support wellbeing and the teaching and learning of relationships and sexuality education in schools and kura in ways that are effective, safe and inclusive.
The new resources contain additional information on:
💚 Consent
🧡 Use of digital technologies
❤ Healthy relationships
💛 Pornography
This follows a 2018 Education Review Office report noting that the curriculum would benefit from more on these issues, and reflects feedback from the Kōrero Mātauranga | Education Conversation calling on schools and kura to:
💙 take more action against bullying, violence and child abuse
💜 to be more inclusive, and to help students recognise the importance of diversity and respect in relationships.
Thank you to everyone involved in developing these resources alongside Te Poutāhū | Curriculum Centre – including universities, government departments, non-government organisations like InsideOUT, teachers and young people.
Printed copies will be distributed to all state and state-integrated schools and kura, and digital resources can be accessed on our website:
These new resources are optional, but we believe effective, safe and inclusive teaching practice around relationships and sexuality education is something we should all strive for.
It’s mandatory for schools and kura to consult their community at least every two years on the content of their local health curriculum.
Click the below link!
Friday - June 3, 2022 - United Nations/UN Agenda 21/2030
(29) - Education / Curriculum
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