Counterspins Plea to all Kiwis
Below is Counterspins plea to all Kiwis – along with a host of sources of info and support for the Freedom Convoy!
Call to ACTION now!
Developments: Parliament in Wellington:
Over the last 3 days:
Thousands of kiwis have lined the roads and bridges throughout New Zealand, cheering and waving their flags as the Convoy 20220 NZ , made it’s way to Wellington , with a message from the people of New Zealand.
Leave our kids the hell alone.
We stand with resolve and will defend our inalienable right to FREEDOM.
We are taking our country back!
We need even more boots on the ground immediately,
to backup the hundreds that are at parliament peacefully holding the line for our children.
Everyone needs to mobilize and get to Wellington now!
Support all the thousands of kiwis who lined the roads and bridges throughout the country, cheering and waving their flags in hope as the Convoy passed them carrying their clear message from New Zealand to the government.
Leave our kids the hell alone.
We stand with resolve and will defend our inalienable right to FREEDOM.
We are taking our country back!
Call to ACTION now!
Drop what you are doing and get to Wellington now!
Call to action information and video coming here: https://counterspinmedia.com/blog/call-to-action/
Bring resources with you:
- Food (For you and to share with others)
- Water (And means to collect more when it rains on location if you can)
- Fuel
- Generators
- Megaphones
- Pa systems
- Video cameras
- Phones
- Backup power packs
- Batteries
- Solar chargers
- Hand held radios for communication
- Banners/Signs (if you already have them prepared)
Organise ongoing backup teams of people and resources to follow you
This is the fight between good and evil, for the future of our beautiful country.
Lives have been destroyed, businesses ruined, children have been injured and killed.
Are you going to choose FREEDOM or Tyranny?
Do it for your children, and grandchildren.
The time is now!
Winston Churchill, “Never Was So Much Owed By So Many to So Few”
Call to ACTION now!
Drop what you are doing and get to Wellington now!
Call to action information and video coming here: https://counterspinmedia.com/blog/call-to-action/
Live stream coverage will commence later this morning.
View – LIVE stream coverage: www.counterspinmedia.com
This is the only Official Telegram group
Join CONVOY 2022 NZ Group on Telegram here
View – LIVE stream coverage: www.counterspinmedia.com
Wednesday - February 9, 2022 - Uncategorized
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