A bit more than horn-tooting and ‘cuppas and chats’ is required!

Personally I believe we need much much more action than gathering in tractors on one day only, to stop this UN Agenda driven move to get framers off the land! And we definitely need to be aware of the bigger global picture – this is a co-ordinated move across the West!

Also, gathering to “protest” means you are protesting the way you are being governed ie you are accepting / consenting to their governance – and this Govt is a fraud (the NZ Govt having been corporatized in 1986, so it’s not a Govt at all).

That all aside however – many are keen to get numbers gathered and participate in this to send a loud message of discontent to those in power and to encourage farmers. Perhaps it is a starting point for those reasons but to effect change you are going to need much much more action than talks with (powerless UN puppet) politicians and horn tooting!

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